Thursday 10 October 2019


Generally, it achieves these bunyanesque ordeals through the incorporation of a multiple-staged module. The entire program opened up with the march of all of the athletes (the color of their shirts determining the grade level they’re in), chaperoned by a twain of muses making up the two gender-based system (Gretchen Diaz get out of here). Preceding this event was the gritty stomping and subsequent traipsing of molasses-hued boots; provided by the CAT. After that, a prosaic program with the usual greetings and aristocratic jargon befell; a “blazing” happenchance that betided during this affair was the lighting of the torch; and the raising of flags section also deserves a “hoist” of appreciation. After that, it went on like your usual INTRAMURALS. Zumba dances here, heatstroke victims there, and sportsmanship everywhere.

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