Sunday 16 February 2020


               2019 was full  of challenges, so many ups and downs, family problems, failures and alot more negativity, despite this this year had been a great and memorable year. Out of all those negative things that happened i manage to get my way up to the positive side. 
               In this world nothing is permanent, only change is permanent in this world. Every day the our planets revolves and another 365 days of revolution have passed. 
Image result for 2020

 This 2020, I am striving to get to the top and extract the best out of myself. I will use the lessons and leanings that my failures in 2019 gave and thought me. 

Through everthing, I want to thank God and give him all the glory for another year to live and imrove myself in many aspects of life.

1 comment:

  1. 2029 might not be the year for you but I know 2020 will change your life greatly
