Sunday 16 February 2020

Change starts with me

As the saying goes "To change the world, you have to change yourself first. You have to change your mentality, your habits, and your actions."  

The truth is, it is possible to change the world. But to change the world, you have to change yourself first. You have to change your mentality, your habits, and your actions. It’s not easy changing yourself, but it’s important if you want to make an impact.

Change happens whether we like it or not, but changing everything about ourselves is somewhat veryy difficult. But the real question is how can we make an Impact on making our world better despite the fact that we humans are just like lice in the head of our planet. And as a student my answer for that is Start within yourself, improve every aspect of you and the everything in this world will follow.

It’s not easy changing yourself, but it’s necessary if you want to make a massive impact. Here are four steps that you can take today to change yourself positively and create a massive positive impact on the world.

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