Sunday 16 February 2020

My 4th grading!

The day has to come, the last chapter of my 4 consecutive years of being a junior high school student and my last grading period to be called as an "Special Science Class Student". The journey has come to an end.

First of all I would like to give my deepest appreciation to the most understanding and loving teacher of ours who is actually pushed me and make these blogs. Through problems she managed to conquer her anger and be as understanding as she is. 

    My last grading period was not been more difficult than ever. So much activities, contest, projects, assignments, requirements which caused me a mental breakdown. I was so down that I didn't know what to do first. Actually I couldn't  afford to give my family the time that they need from me, caused by these activities, trainings and workshops every weekend. I am actually in dept on time with my family. I couldn't been more down in my life before than this time of my life. I was scolded at school and even at home I would still be scolded and get bitten up if I dont do chores.

       Inspite all of this down falls in my life which made me do the biggest mistake in my life, I still managed to find my lost path back by the guide of my friends, family and my teachers. 

I went to school everyday not knowing what will happen and not thinking what will occur in our class. There were times that I couldn't understand the lesson anymore so I would just stare on the ceiling or on the floor until the time runs out for me. And that was my biggest mistake. Letting myself not do anything and rushing things back when the time is near.   

I believe that nobody in this world is perfect and everybody commits mistakes. All we need is a forgiving heart and a blessed soul for us to get back on the right track.

This 4th Grading thought me alot of lessons, not only academically but most of it are life lessons which I will remember till the rest of my life. Forgiveness is Love!

     T H A N K     Y O U     S O     M U C H         M A ' A M         E V  E ! !


  1. i love it! continue doing your best, you can do it!

  2. wow such nice words put together to form a beautiful masterpiece.

  3. It is a good blog. I enjoyed reading this one

  4. What an amazing blog! I understood your message, yet I had time to search for the words, LOL. Keep up the good work!

  5. Here's to the ones that we got
    Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not
    'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
    Of everything we've been through
    Toast to the ones here today
    Toast to the ones that we lost on the way
    'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
    And the memories bring back, memories bring back you

  6. I'm glad you learned lessons on your experiences! Continue doing great things, Bins!! ily
